A Prime Leader

A PRIME LEADER is the TFL approved fanlistings for Optimus Prime from the Transformer Movies (Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen, Dark of the Moon, Age of Extintion, the Last Knight, and Bumblebee), for his character in all animations (G1, TFP, etc), his appearance within all Transformers' comics, and lastly whenever he is written about in fanfiction.

If you are a fan of this mech who selfless, brave, and certainly one of kind, feel free to join the fanlisting below and add your name to the member's list. Don't forget to add which version you like of him, too.

Last updated on January 24, 2025 • 14 (+0) fans • Powered by Enthusiast

When joining the listing, please use a real name as names with strange characters will be edited. An email address is needed, but will always remain hidden. This is used to prevent duplicate submissions. Please fill the last two fields with which version of him you like and if you are joining for his characters appearance or for when he is written in fanfiction. If you would like to decorate your site with a button, please save to your own server and link back to: http://prime.shattered-memories.org.

Fill out the form if you would like to join the list of members who are fans also. If you encounter any problems when filling the form out, please feel free to . The fields with asterisks (*) are required fields.

* Name:

* Email address(?):


* Country

Password (to change or update your details; type twice):

Website URL:

Favorite Version:

Joining For Which Reason: